Part 67: End of the World 3
Welcome back! This update is gonna be a long one.
(Technically the music goes back to the lower floors' after the dinner, but that seems to be a minor bug)

Feena frees up some room in her inventory by dumping the Firewood Sparks.
I know, you've all been waiting with bated breath since that last cliffhanger.

We're level with the clouds now.


So, there's some bats back there.

Sue gains a Fire level, and Feena gains a level level.

It, uh... it also turns out that this battle is repeatable.

It took me a few tries to realize that.

Burnflare is our first level 3 spell, and Feena here demonstrates the major problem with the "2 MP randomly distributed among the three levels" thing.

Guess we can't use this staircase just yet.

This switch looks promising.

Haha, nope!

This is the switch we're looking for.

Huh. Worrying.

Ruh-oh, Raggy.

At least we get some monsters this time.

Heey, the Emerald Bird finally has more HP than the Rock Bird did!

Too bad it's still vulnerable to paralysis.

By defeating Emerald Bird on the Wall, Justin gets his 70th star and can scale the Endless Staircase.

Golly, this is almost starting to resemble a proper dungeon!

So, the Mist Wraiths can do something interesting.

While invisible, they can't be targeted by... well, anything. They pop back into reality when they attack.

Hmm. A long half-width bridge.

At least this one is full-width. Let's just run along the edge he-

Shit, a rock-cutting laser!

The outer half here will rumble and shake.

But it's polite enough to wait for you to get to solid ground before falling.

What the?

What is... why? What?

When you run past these things, they slam into the wall and hurt you.

Except the last one gets stuck and dislodges a platform.

And this is literally the only thing of note on the ninth area. A switch with some birds guarding it.

Sue catches up to Feena in fire levels.

Emerald Birds can use Heavy Feather. It deals a small amount of damage and paralyzes a single target.

Unlike Feena, Sue has been planning for the future and has enough level 3 MP to cast her fancy new spell.

Not bad.

The rewards are fit for a boss fight, at least.

Maaaaaan, Mullen is gonna be PISSED if he climbs up all this way to find that we disintegrated the platform.

Huh. The blocks here aren't as... neat as they are down below.

The obligatory "you can't quit this dinner, it's plot-important" line.

That, my friends, is what we like to call "exclamation point overload".

Fun fact: The trigger point for last night's dinner isn't removed, just replaced with a new line by Feena.

That's... a good point, Sue.
